Another example of Media bias

Another example of Media bias

When Betsy deVos used the cliché “there is no such thing as a free lunch,” while speaking to Bernie Sanders about something unrelated to school lunches, the dishonest media immediately follows with a headline such as the one above.   #fakenews all over the world dishonestly distorts the message to mean the following:

deVos against free school lunches,” and  “…questions if schools should provide free lunch.”

One news outlet published that headline yesterday, and today the rest of the MSM follows with the same exact word choice on its headline.  

They have ‘copied and pasted’ their headlines amongst themselves.

In the #fakenewsmedia boys club, sharing and plagiarizing headlines amongst itself is allowed if you fit in with the special interests who pay them and their bosses.

media owned by 6 corps.png#MSMbias

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