If Hillary Had Won, we’d be at War with Russia Already.

If Hillary Had Won, we’d be at War with Russia Already.

unfiltered.politics#HillaryClinton had every advantage you can think of and she still lost. And democrats are still in denial about it. They want to blame everyone but themselves and risk starting #WWIII with Russia to cover up their own failures. Luckily for the American people, she was a horribly flawed and terrible candidate. So so grateful she didn’t win. We would already be in a war with Russia if did. I just can’t understand how so many democrats were so absolutely clueless about what she represented. I don’t agree with most things Bernie Sanders said it at least he was a decent person with integrity, and the democrats worked diligently to suppress him. Hope it was worth it for them 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

What is so wrong with speaking with the Russians?

Who remembers the time Obama told the Russians that he’d have more “flexibility” after the election?

The Obamaites don’t want us to get along with Russia because that would hamper our being taken over by his buddies in the Middle East.  Meanwhile, Obama did talk to the Russians before his election and afterward, he also spoke consistently with Iran, a terrorist nation.  We all know we are not allowed to negotiate with terrorists, don’t we?  

The Democrats don't want us to get along neither with Israel nor Russia. Now, lets ask ourselves why?

Anyone up for a game of Chess?


What is wrong with speaking with the Russians, the Democrats ask?  Look at them here with the Russian Ambassador.